EM Core Voucher Program
We are soliciting proposals for assistance with electron microscopy projects. This will be in the form of a voucher ($5,000 maximum) to cover the costs of sample preparation, assisted electron microscope use at any of the three KY NBRE network electron microscope facilities (UK, UofL, and WKU), and/or travel and lodging expenses to access a network facility.
We expect to fund up to nine vouchers. Final funding commitments will be made pending availability of funds in the next KY INBRE P20GM103436 funding cycle in Spring 2023.
Completed Proposal due Friday, December 23, 2022
Application Information
Vouchers are available for Kentucky investigators interested in the use of electron microscopy to enhance their research programs and provide preliminary data for grant applications. Student involvement in the project is highly encouraged. Vouchers are to be used to cover the costs associated with sample preparation and equipment use at any of the 3 KY INBRE network electron microscopy facilities. All other costs of the project are the responsibility of the investigator. A detailed budget is not required, but the scope of the project should be appropriate for completion within one year using a maximum of $5,000. Prior to preparing an application, investigators are encouraged to contact the director of the electron microscope facility where the pilot project data is anticipated to be collected so that the time and costs associated with sample preparation and equipment use are understood.
Judging Criteria
Applications will be evaluated for scientific merit, student involvement, relevance to public health, experimental design, and feasibility of sample preparation. Projects that incorporate new preparation protocols and methods development are encouraged to apply. Plans for publication and/or submission of data for grant applications should be mentioned.
Submission Instructions
Please submit the following documents – using NIH PHS398 forms and instructions:
NIH PHS 398 Form Page 1: Face page (does not need to be signed)
NIH PHS 398 Form Page 2: Project Summary, Performance Sites etc.
Detailed description of proposed methods (2 page maximum) that includes:
Experimental design, including species
Type of sample (e.g. tissue, cells, subcellular, cellular/metal interface)
Fixation and staining methods
Sample prep equipment required (e.g. liquid nitrogen freezing, sputter coating, ultrathin sectioning)
Tool Type/Detectors required (e.g. TEM, SEM, EDS)
Anticipated image analysis
Time frame when samples will be available
Description of how the data will be used (e.g. grant proposal, publications, etc.)
Student involvement if applicable
If applicable, also submit as NIH format attachments:
IRB approval notice, Human Subjects Protection section, Human Subjects Education certification, and Targeted/Planned Enrollment Table
IACUC approval, Vertebrate Animal 5 points
Submit as email Word attachment to Julia Aebersold with the subject line “KY INBRE EM Proposal 2022.”
Notification of Award Selection
Investigators will be notified by 5:00 pm ET on January 20, 2023 with the results of the selection process.
Award Start Dates
The start date of approved vouchers will be May 1, 2023. Investigators are encouraged to consult with electron microscope core directors prior to this start date to begin planning their projects.
Award End Date
The vouchers will expire April 30, 2024. Since the KY INBRE grant is awarded one year at a time, no extensions of this end date are allowed. Investigators must plan accordingly.
Requirements of Award Acceptance
By accepting a voucher, principal investigators agree to work with core directors to begin their projects in a timely manner. Principal investigators are required to provide a 1-page outcome summary 12 months after funds are awarded and must agree to be available to give a presentation about their supported work during KY INBRE Electron Microscopy Workshops. Subsequent publications must include citation of NIH award P20GM103436. Subsequent grant application budgets should include funds to support electron microscopy facilities at UK, UofL or WKU.