RPA Application Guidelines
Application Procedures
To facilitate the preparation of future NIH-AREA (R15) and/or NIH SuRE (R16) proposals, applicants must follow the instructions and format of one of these funding mechanisms.
Since there are two R16-SuRE award programs and multiple R15-AREA Funding Opportunity Announcements (FOAs) with different eligibility criteria, applicants must use the appropriate R15 or R16 FOA number for the Institute/Program that matches their research objectives/plan.
For R16 FOAs: see SuRE-First for investigators without prior externally funded grant support, and SuRE for investigators previously, but not currently, receiving NIH research grant support. (Note: R16 award mechanisms do not support research involving clinical trials)
For R15 FOAs: see the NIH Guide to Grants and Contracts-R15:
The application instructions must be carefully adhered to, except where they have been modified by the following Supplemental Instructions. Applications not following the guidelines will be returned without review.
I. New applications from first time applicants should follow the instructions below.
II. Applications from previously not funded RPA applicants:
a. Resubmission of revised RPA proposals should follow the NIH guidelines for resubmissions, and include a one-page introduction that addresses the previous KY INBRE reviewers concerns and criticisms and indicates how the proposal has been revised.
b. Completely new RPA proposals from previously not funded applicants should include a one-page introduction that briefly explains how the new proposal differs from the previously submitted application. The introduction should also indicate how the new proposal addresses any of the KY INBRE review committee’s generic concerns/criticisms (e.g., lack of publications, student involvement, facilities or resources, etc.) of the previously submitted proposal. If there is any overlap between the new and previously submitted proposal, then the introduction should address all previous concerns/criticism that may be relevant to the new proposal.
If you need any clarification, please contact your institutional “Lead” faculty member, the KY INBRE Program Director/PI (Dr. Martha Bickford) or Program Coordinator (Dr. Bruce Mattingly) prior to submission of your proposal.
The KY INBRE Data Science Core provides additional research and training support in Bioinformatics, Genomics, Electron Microscopy, and Applied Statistics. Researchers are encouraged to contact these facilities for assistance in developing research proposals (KY INBRE, NIH) as well as for technical assistance in conducting the research and/or preparing manuscripts for publications.
For additional assistance with R16 proposals, the SuRE Resource Center is also available for advice and consultation.
Supplemental Instructions
Applications should be prepared using NIH ASSIST or Grants.gov Workspace. Once completed, a PDF copy of the entire application should be saved and submitted to the KY INBRE.
In addition to the completed application package, you must complete and submit the following PHS 398 forms signed by the authorized institutional official:
Form Page 1: Face Page
Form Page 2: Summary, Relevance, Project/Performance Sites, Senior Key Personnel, etc.
These forms may be found at: https://grants.nih.gov/grants/funding/phs398/phs398.html
Complete all mandatory forms and attachments in the R15 or R16 application package.
FOR R15 APPLICATION: Use the optional “Research and Related Budget” form.
FOR R16 APPLICATIONS: Use the “Modular Budget” Form but also attach a detailed budget using either the fillable PDF of the R&R budget form or the PHS 398 detailed budget form
A detailed budget justification is required for both R15 & R16 proposals.
Maximum award is $50,000 direct costs for one-year with a start date of May 1 and end date of April 30th. Requests for funding may include expenses for supplies, equipment, use of core facilities, travel (max. $2500), summer salary, and undergraduate research assistants. Funds (up to $6,000 annually of the $50,000 max) may also be requested to partially cover the cost of faculty release time. Grant funds may not be used to directly pay the salary of another individual for course release time. Funds (up to $6,000 annually of the $50,000 max) may be requested to partially cover student tuition. Facilities and administrative (F&A) costs will be provided in addition to direct costs. KY INBRE funding will terminate as of the start-date of an independent NIH research grant award.
If you plan to use human subjects, you must submit evidence of Human Subjects Education Certification.
Item 10 – CFDA number : leave blank; for TITLE: enter "KY INBRE Research Project Award"
Letters of Support – Include a letter verifying institutional support (e.g., release time, matching funds, etc.), and a support letter from the identified mentor/ collaborator. As noted previously, it is expected that the collaborator/mentor will also be willing to provide input into the NIH proposal development process. In the case of the use of a core research facility, include a letter from the administrator of the facility indicating availability and agreement with the conditions stated in the research plan and budget. Finally, a statement from an NIH program officer indicating your research topic is potentially fundable by NIH.
Review Considerations
KY INBRE applications are reviewed by scientific review groups administered by the KY INBRE Developmental Research Project Program, and are evaluated for scientific and technical merit according to the NIH R15 or R16 review criteria as specified in the associated Funding Opportunity Announcement. IIt is critical that you carefully read and follow the directions of the R15 or R16 FOA. Incomplete applications will be returned without review.
Award Criteria
Funding for KY INBRE grants is limited and grants are awarded on a competitive basis. Funding decisions on individual applications will be based on the proposed research project's scientific merit, its relevance to NIH programs, and the likelihood that support of the project will ultimately result in a successful NIH R15 or R16 grant application.
Progress Reports
Annual progress reports will be due to the KY INBRE office no later than Jan 15th. Year 2 funding is dependent upon satisfactory progress.
Copies of all submitted NIH proposals and reviews must be submitted to the KY INBRE office in a timely manner.
The completed application should be sent via email as a single, flattened PDF file to Dr. Bruce Mattingly, KY INBRE Program Coordinator.
KY INBRE Application Checklist
Required Letter of Intent by announced due date.
Required at proposal due date:
Letter/email from NIH Program Officer
Attendance at KY INBRE R15/R16 Grant writing Workshop
Official IRB/IACUC protocol approval form (if applicable)
Human Subjects Education Certification (if applicable)
Support letter from Scientific Mentor, collaborators, and/or consultants
Support letters from any utilized KY INBRE Core Directors
Institutional review and approval with signed NIH 398 Facepage form
Institutional support letter from authorized institutional official (Chair, Dean, VPR, etc.) indicating 50% release time (based upon a 12 credit hour teaching load) and other institutional support.
Recommended proposal preparation steps:
Prepare draft Specific Aims page early …. prior to attending the KY INBRE R15/R16 Grant writing Workshop
Discuss project with institutional “Lead” Faculty representative, KY INBRE Program Director, and/or KY INBRE Program Coordinator well in advance of the application deadline
Contact NIH Program Officer at several NIH Institutes
Contact your Institutional Office of Sponsored Programs with proposal plans at least two months before proposal due date
Contact KY INBRE supported Applied Statistical Lab for design and statistical analysis assistance early in proposal development phase
Contact KY INBRE supported Genomics and Bioinformatics Cores for design and technical assistance early in proposal development phase
Request draft proposal reviews from scientific mentor and KY INBRE Lead faculty at least three weeks prior to proposal due date
Submit IRB/IACUC protocol for institutional review at least two months before proposal due date (NIH will not provide our annual notice of award (NOA) until all protocol approvals are received!)