Program History
KY Biomedical Research Infrastructure Network (KBRIN): 2001-2004
13 PUI colleges and universities
Major research grants
Faculty Summer Fellowships
KY Institutional Development Awards (IDeA) Networks of Biomedical Research Excellence (INBRE Cycle 1): 2004-2009
4 regional state universities
Major research grants
Faculty Summer Fellowships, 2004-2005
AREA Awards (Two Year), 2006-2009
Postdoc/Tech Support, 2007-2009
INBRE Cycle 2: 2009-2014
Major Research Grants (Five year)
AREA Awards (Two-Year)
Postdoc/Tech Support
Bridge Funding
Start-Up Award (2012-2013)
Distinguished New Investigator Award
INBRE Cycle 3: 2014-2019
Investigator Development Award (IDeA) Awards (Two Year)
Post-Bac/Doc Support
Bridge Funding Awards
Start-Up Awards
Distinguished New Investigator Awards
Course-based Undergraduate Research Experiences (CURE) Awards (Three Year)
INBRE Cycle 4: 2019-2024
Investigator Development Award (IDeA) Awards (Two Year)
Post-Bac/Doc Support
Bridge Funding Awards
Start-Up Awards
Course-based Undergraduate Research Experiences (CURE) Awards (Three Year)
Student Undergrad Research Program (SURP)
6 Primarily Undergraduate Research Institutions (PUIs)
2 Research Intensive Institutions
10 Outreach Institutions
Hosted the Southeast Regional IDeA Conference, Nov 6-8, 2019
INBRE Cycle 5: 2024-2029
(renewal proposal currently in review at NIGMS)
Start-Up Award
Pilot Project Awards (One Year)
New faculty
Competitive renewals
Bridge Funding
Research Project Award (Two Year; Non-renewable)
Mentored Career Development Award
Post-Bac, Post-Masters, Post-Doc
Student Resesarch Diversity Awards (One Year)
Course-based Undergraduate Research Experiences (CURE) Awards (Three Year)