Jonathan Timmons
Session Presenter
Field Applications Specialist (qPCR, dPCR, KingFisher Systems)
OH, IN and Eastern MI
Thermo Fisher Scientific
ARC25 Agenda – Fri, Jan 31
4:30 to 5:30 pm, Kentucky Suites (Oaks/Derby)
New Tech Spotlight: dPCR, the Perfect qPCR Complement
Session Chair: Sabine Waigel, DIrector, KY INBRE Genomics Training and Education Center (GTEC)
Associate Director, Genomics Training and Education Center / Thermo Fisher Supply Center, University of Louisville
Session Presenter: Jonathan Timmons, Thermo Fisher Scientific
You’re familiar with qPCR, a powerful, sensitive genetic analysis technique used in a wide range of applications. Digital PCR (dPCR) is a newer approach to nucleic acid detection and quantification that estimates absolute numbers of molecules. dPCR technology is complementary to qPCR for applications such as absolute quantification and rare allele detection by not relying on Ct values for quantification.
This seminar will provide:
A basic understanding of real-time PCR along with digital PCR including pre-designed assay formats and customized assay options.
A comparison of qPCR and dPCR along with the advantages of each.
An overview of applications each technology is well suited for.
An introduction to Thermo Fisher’s QuantStudio instrument line up.
Highlights of our data analysis software.